BARK in the PARK
October 21, 2017
NY Central Park, East Pinetum
11:00AM - 3:00 pm
Enter at the East 84th Street Entrance,
located behind the Metropolitan Museum
as a part of It's Happening
Cincinnati Art Academy One Day Show
October 7, 2016
426 Raw Walls 2
Friday October 7, 2016
7 - 11:00 pm
More on the show
426 Raw Walls 2
Outide/Inside: curated by Jennifer Grote
November 1 - December 27, 2013
Opening November 1, 6 - 9:00 pm
Covington Arts
27 West 7'th Street
Covington KY 41011
Outside/Inside explores the transformative potential of public space and blurs the boundaries between architecture and artistry. The show features Voss Finn, Barry Gunderson, Celene Hawkins and Jarrett Hawkins
"The first thing I saw, looking in, was the exuberant thrust of Voss Finn’s “Installation Extra Swordfish,” swooping and dipping and reaching down from the ceiling, filling the upper reaches of the entire west side of the gallery."
"The work is a highly personal, eminently thought-provoking response to the space it occupies." Jane Durrell /AEQAI
Read Jane Durrell's complete review of
Voss Finn: A Poem In Space
September 9 - October 29, 2005
Southern Ohio Museum
825 Gallia Street
Portsmouth OH
More Info: 740-354-5629
Saturday, October 29, 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Voss Finn Sings 4 You!
As is his custom, Voss Finn will present a short program
of songs on Saturday, Oct. 29 at 4:00 p.m. including
selections by Handel, Barber, Purcell, Copland, Scarlatti,
Niles,and the usual suspects--and a few surprises.
This time of year, the trip to Portsmouth is a beautiful drive. Come early and check out the other exhibitions!
Past Shows:
The Sculpture Center - March 19 through April 18, 2004 A Site Specific Installation
1834 East 123'rd Street Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Weston Gallery - September 12 through November 8, 2003 - Prepositional
September 20 / Saturday - 10 a.m.-12 noon - Taft Family Workshop
October 8 / Wednesday - 7 p.m. - Artist's Talk
November 8 / Saturday - 5 p.m. - Artist's Sings
Artist's Statement
exhibition consists of one or more singular rolling gestures
activating the vertical expanse of the Weston gallery. The work
consists of assemblages of found objects, industrial forms and
hand-made elements.
The title refers to
my ideas about language and public art. Just as the action of
the verb is cantilevered or directed by the preposition toward
the object, the proposed installation derives its force from its
prepositional structure. The arcs I employ to energize the space
are formed by hinging whatever material is at hand in order to carry
a rhythm through the space. This hinging is the physical
representation of a preposition as it deflects the activity of a
thought from the verb to the direct object.
The work shows how
language can be perceived as a volume and how language informs
our perception. It also references visual symbols as the
building blocks of the written word and how mysteriously and
stubbornly these archetypal symbols seem to reappear within
everyday objects, whether machine tool patterns or other seemingly
mundane objects. Discovering the archetypal in manufactured
objects hints at the possibility there exists within us an
underlying calligraphy of humanity.
My process in making
work is intuitive. I enjoy the freedom to juxtapose disparate
materials in ways that allow my mind to remain open to new
possibilities. How do you find the perfect words for a poem?
It’s the same process as grabbing objects left and right adding
them or subtracting them in some kind of configuration to make a
complete structure.
My aim is to create
a poetry of volumes by using my intuition. Like poetry, the work
is open to interpretation. Private notions or symbols are
maintained on a certain level but content is often discovered or
revealed after the fact.
The most exciting
thing about this process is the realm of the unknown future which
brings with it all of those arbitrary elements that may find
themselves at the core of the expression. I’m interested in this